Consumer products Appliances Kitchen electronics Tableware Furniture Lighting Household Sports Toys Musical Shortcut to selected attributes 3D printing Food contact Colour & finish Transparency Natural (non-synthetic) Bioplastics CNC machining Injection moulding Recyclable composites Selected articles Bioplastic — the good, the bad and the ugly. What is this group of materials and why are they so promising for sustainable design? Plastic and the circular economy. Recycling is a valuable way to recover resources, but is all recycled plastic is the same? Sustainable materials in consumer electrical and electronic products – how to design for recycled and recycling to extend the life of materials. Some recommended reading Materials and Design: The Art & Science of Material Selection in Product Design Michael F. Ashby & Kara Johnson Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals Rob Thompson Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things William McDonough & Michael Braungart Less and More – The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams Klaus Klemp WA: The Essence of Japanese Design Rossella Menegazzo, Stefania Piotti & Kenya Hara Materiology: The Creatives Guide to Materials and Technologies Daniel Kula The Material of Invention Ezio Manzini