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Find sustainable and circular materials for your projects, get the latest in material innovation, discover companies at the cutting-edge of material development, bookmark the ones you like and build projects around material technology data.

Created by designers to support the creative process, this tool brings together material and data to help find the right technology for creative projects. Our material-search platform is the ultimate tool for designers who are exploring sustainable and circular materials in their projects.

We have setup the content and search process to help designers find the most appropriate materials for their sustainable and circular design projects. Material selection is a critical part of the design process, because it shapes the visual, tactile and technical attributes of an object, as well as defining an object’s overall sustainability. Our platform integrates the information needed to make these decisions into a single source, merging traditional database logic, sustainable design frameworks and the creative process.

Our material-search platform focuses design on the most productive route to circularly. From any given start point recommendations are made based on desirable attributes within a context, guiding searches towards progressively more sustainable and circular solutions. Wherever you are in the design process, Spot Material provides the information you need to make better decisions.

What is included in the subscription

Deepen your understanding of circular, renewable and regenerative materials. Search new materials by attributes and make better choices based on data-driven sustainable improvements.
Explore how materials are used, the look and feel, and technical solutions to many existing problems. Navigate by category, application, process and quality. Use tags to view groups of similar images.
Gain insight into leading sustainable material innovations. From start-ups to established companies, there are some incredible developments to explore and each one is linked into the database.
Deep dive
Expand your knowledge of sustainable material trends and strategies. Deep dive articles delve into the underbelly of sustainable materials for design. There are links to companies, brands and materials knowledge.
Search similar & find better
Find material by specific attributes, or improve something about a material you like by finding better, which improves on a specific sustainability shortfall.
Unlimited search
Search materials, images, innovations and articles in one place to help find exactly what you are looking for.
Advanced search
Find materials that meet specific requirements, such as applications, end of life, format, manufacturing, material type or physical property.
Cross-referenced insights
Cross-referenced insights from the extensive image bank, spotlight innovations happening now, and deep dive articles exploring relevant topics.
Save materials
Make collections of your favourite materials, innovations and references.
Compare materials
With this feature it is possible to compare materials alongside one another, helping to highlight strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for projects.
Build projects
Group saved materials into projects, providing the opportunity to curate your own datasets.
GPT-4 genAI search assistant
Use the GPT-4 powered search assistant to provide summaries and comparisons, as well as recommendations for materials based on the data contained within the platform.

Join our sustainable and circular materials platform

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