Architecture Interior Furniture Lighting Marine Technical textiles Shortcut to selected attribute Indoor air quality Sound absorbing Renewable Insulating Weather resistant Recycled Healthy and non polluting wood Bioplastic Selected articles How good is wood – making and building with wood reduces the emissions associated with manufacturing with metal, plastic and concrete. Textile recycling innovation – with less than 1% of fabrics currently recycled, who are the innovators bucking the global trend? Plastic and the circular economy. Recycling is a valuable way to recover resources, but is all recycled plastic is the same? Some recommended reading Material Health: Design Frontiers Parsons Healthy Materials Lab Designing Lightness Adriaan Beukers & Ed Van Hinte Flying Lightness, Promises for Structural Elegance Adriaan Beukers & Ed Van Hinte Material Matters series Victionary WA: The Essence of Japanese Design Rossella Menegazzo, Stefania Piotti & Kenya Hara Materiology: The Creatives Guide to Materials and Technologies Daniel Kula