Alloy steel

1-20 usd/kg
Circularity potential
Very high
Production energy
Very high
Embodied CO2

The properties of steel are transformed with the addition of alloys – such as chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn) and silicon (Si) – and tempering (controlled heating and cooling cycles in manufacture). While adding no more than 0.05% alloy to a plain carbon steel can almost double its strength, the cost is raised only very slightly. Other alloys, such as copper (Cu) and Cr, are added to improve corrosion resistance and yield materials that can tolerate extremely corrosive environments, or be left outdoors unpainted for more than a century.

Steel is relatively low cost and grades have been developed to suit almost every imaginable application. Its properties are highly tailorable and as a result, it is used in packaging (coated mild steel or naked stainless), automotive (steels with tensile strength of more than 550 MPa are known as advanced high-strength steel, AHSS), furniture, construction, buildings, bridges, heavy duty equipment, manufacturing equipment, laboratory environments and shipbuilding. Its tolerance to low and high temperatures in service depends on the grade, with some tool steels able to withstand extreme loads and shocks, and maintain incredible hardness (equivalent to granite and concrete) at over 500 degC.

Heat treatment (tempering) is a critical step in the production of many high performance steels. It is as important as the ingredients for the mechanical properties of the final part. Typically carried out once forming and welding have been completed, a steel item may be worth many more times the initial cost of the base metal by this point. Therefore, processes have been developed to reduce the risk of distortion, cracking and other defects. It has evolved into a sophisticate and critical step in the production of many types of steel.

Sustainability concerns
Non-renewable ingredients
Potential conflict commodity (3TG)
Raw material generates polluting by-products

Low alloy steels have additional elements added – such as nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), and molybdenum (Mo) – to improve mechanical properties compared to plain carbon (C) steels. The alloys increase the hardenability of the steel, which boosts hardness, strength and toughness. As a group, they bridge the gap between plain carbon steels and stainless steels. Because they have only small additions of these alloys, from 2-10%, there is a relatively small price increase over plain carbon steel, making them cost effective in many applications due to the improved performance and thus reduced weight of material required for the same task. Stainless steels are more resistant to corrosion, and typically more expensive.

According to The American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), low alloy steels are graded according to their chemistry as follows (the first number indicates the primary alloy, and the second indicates percentage of that alloy and the last two or three digits represent carbon content):
– 11XX relsulfurised for-cutting
– 13XX 1.75% manganese (Mn)
– 23XX 3.5% nickel (Ni)
– 25XX 5% nickel (Ni)
– 3XXX nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr)
– 4XXX molybdenum (Mo)
– 5XXX chromium (Cr)
– 6XXX chromium-vanadium (Cr-V), also cro-van
– 7XXX tungsten (W)
– 8XXX nickel-chromium-vanadium (Ni-Co-V)
– 9XXX silicon-manganese (Si-Mn)

4130 (UNS G41300, DIN 1.7218) is a low carbon, chromium-molybdenum (Cr-Mo) steel. It has good forming and welding properties in the annealed condition. It is used for industrial applications, structural welded tubing, automotive parts, heavy duty equipment and manufacturing equipment.

Design properties
Cost usd/kg
Embodied energy MJ/kg
Carbon footprint kgCO2e/kg
Density kg/m3
Tensile modulus GPa
Tensile strength MPa
Shear modulus GPa
Hardness Mohs
Brinell hardness HB
Poissons ratio
Melt temperature ºC
Thermal conductivity W/mK
Temperature min-max °C
-40 to 300
Electrical resistivity µΩ⋅m